What a long and pointless day. I worked from 11pm last night until 11am this morning. I got home, Chris was cleaning the couch again and just enjoying his morning and I went and watched a movie. I couldn't sleep! All afternoon I laid in bed but sleep escaped me so when Chris went to his parents house for dinner I stayed home and went to sleep (finally!).

I tell you, no one said working overnights was easy, but you'd think of over 24 hours of awakedness your body would kick itself into sleep at the first mention of a warm bed? Nope.

So Chris went to dinner with his parents and his brother and brought back some leftovers which was nice of his mom to send, even though he said she seemed a little miffed that I hadn't gone with him. I really wanted to, but I needed to sleep.

Thats one thing I think a lot of people dont understand. When I finish work, its not different from anyone else who may finish their 9-5 day. I go home, unwind, eat, sometimes shower, and THEN go to bed. And if I sleep all day, until 9 or 10 at night? Well, I got my 8 hours, which is very important. Sorry, this is a bit of a rant, but Chris teases me and wakes me up too early because "its after 4" and I should be awake.

In any case, I am at work again tonight. Chris is at home with our monkeys, probably letting them sleep in the bed because I'm not home to scold him and tell him no. I am going to try to catch some quick zzz's. Good night!

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