Long week, and its not over yet! Things have been super busy around the house. We had an adorable house guest on Tuesday night, after going to see a fun movie!

Last night Chris and I had a date night. He took me for vietnamese food and then after we came home and watched a movie. Doesn't sound like much but it was a stretch for Chris and I really appreciated the effort he went to. Now if he could only get some flowers organised for the next time lol.

I posted some pics of Paul and I and it made me think, I post a lot of pics of Paul and I. People might get the wrong idea about me, thinking I'm playing favorites. Paul is just really cuddly and happens to be around me when I'm in a picture taking mood. Rest assured that I love Oscar equally (maybe a little more so, but shh!) as well as Diana.

Chris's parents are going to Punta Cana, leaving over the weekend. I hope they remember to bring us back a little Cuban kid. We could really use the extra hands around the house lol.

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