This weekend was quite the relaxing weekend. I pretty much slept from Saturday at 3:30pm until Sunday morning at 10am. But I needed it. I guess.

Chris was busy putting his plow together on the front of his truck, and then testing it out. He really likes doing those kinds of things, figuring out how all the pieces work together and seeing if he can redo it and make it work for him.

So now he has a plow and we don't have to wait for the landlord to yell at his guy for only plowing half of the driveway! Its a little bit my fault though, I leave my car parked almost right at the entrance to the driveway and the plow guy just doesn't do our side. Dumb.

I took some pictures of the house (apartment) to show everyone how things are looking now Chez Chris and Lily. Hopefully I formatted this right and everyone can see what it is I'm talking about.

This is our entrance. When you first walk in there is a bench for you to sit on to remove your footwear if you so chose to do so. There is also a high table to lay your things on. This table gets abused as a catch-all for mail, keys, spare change, etc. Its a pain in the butt to clean each week.

Once you enter there is a short hallway, in which you will find the laundry machines. At the end of the hallway there is a storage closet and on the right is a big doorway into the kitchen.

I didn't take any pictures of the kitchen set up because up until yesterday there was a couch in the kitchen. Just off the kitchen on the right is our bathroom.

On the left of our kitchen is the master bedroom. It is/was decorated to match the print above the bed that Chris used to have in his old place above the couch. I really liked it and I really like our room.

Right in front of the kitchen we have another big doorway that leads us into the living room. In here we have almost all of Chris's furniture, save for my white retro office chair and big blue book case.

Hello, Oscar!

This last room is right off of the living room and it is our guest bedroom/office. I picked the colours(of course). In here we have my "old" bed, a big corner desk, a desk that Chris made and some random other pieces of furniture.

So thats it! Now even if you haven't been to our house maybe it will make you feel like you have. Visitors are welcome any time after 11am on weekends and 6pm on weekdays. Hahaha.

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