Long week, and its not over yet! Things have been super busy around the house. We had an adorable house guest on Tuesday night, after going to see a fun movie!

Last night Chris and I had a date night. He took me for vietnamese food and then after we came home and watched a movie. Doesn't sound like much but it was a stretch for Chris and I really appreciated the effort he went to. Now if he could only get some flowers organised for the next time lol.

I posted some pics of Paul and I and it made me think, I post a lot of pics of Paul and I. People might get the wrong idea about me, thinking I'm playing favorites. Paul is just really cuddly and happens to be around me when I'm in a picture taking mood. Rest assured that I love Oscar equally (maybe a little more so, but shh!) as well as Diana.

Chris's parents are going to Punta Cana, leaving over the weekend. I hope they remember to bring us back a little Cuban kid. We could really use the extra hands around the house lol.

Things have been super busy with Chris and I. Chris has been working lots, both during the day and researching techniques after work. Things are looking up for his business! But not so much for his face. Poor boy bonked himself in the face with a hammer while at work. He has a little cut on the nose for his troubles.

I've been working a lot of extra hours. I'm hoping to maybe take an impromptu vacation next month when I'm rolling around in my hard earned monies. Maybe to Las Vegas. Ah the joy of having a passport. In all honesty I will likely pay bills and save money for my car, but a girl can dream right?

Paul peed in the room today. His poor little wiener bladder couldn't hold it in anymore and he just peed right next to the bed. Then he didn't want to pee when I took him outside! Silly wiener dog!

Right now Chris and I are working on a proposal that should be very interesting once all the details get worked out. Stay tuned!

I just realised I was supposed to update about the game we bought. I really like it, Chris thinks its really silly. You essentially hold the remote in your hand and just do the dance moves. You shadow a character on the screen and try to do the moves he/she does. Its hard!

I'm at work currently, and afterwards I will be headed out to breakfast with my friend Tori (who is also working an overnight shift, but for another agency). Hopefully I am awake enough to make intelligent conversation as opposed to last time where we both just giggled the whole time. Thats what happens when you are tired though.

Chris is back to work today after a weekend of working a side job. He laid some hard wood flooring and I'm not sure what else. He put his logo magnets on the truck and it looks really swanky! Too bad he left them on the truck when he went to bed. I "stole" them to make sure they weren't stolen by someone else!

This week should be relaxing for me, other than job hunting and going to the gym. Next week will be a nightmare. More on that as things develop. Chris is work work work until the end of the month I think so if you were going to invite us over for dinner better keep that invite for a rainy day.

Have a good week everyone!

Busy days coming up. Lots of work for both Chris and I at our respective jobs. Hoping to get some outdoor activity started with skating. I love that the canal is only open on the coldest of the cold winter days. But I also love the beaver tails. Mmmm.

I'm trying to convince Chris that we should go to the gym together. He is in excellent shape but it wouldn't hurt if he worked on strengthening his back muscles. He needs those to work his crazy hours!

The boys are really awesome, although Paul has a terrible smell. He just all of a sudden has a stink, I think its time for a vet visit! Oscar is fine, he also smells but I would say thats a natural squirrel smell as opposed to a concerning stink.

I'm looking forward to this weekend. We're going to buy this Wii game that makes you dance for fun. Its good excercise too and its a lot of fun. More info on it when we buy it!

Enjoy this photo my mom's friend Nancy took of my mom (Maureen), Chris and I at her family holiday party. Good night all!
This weekend was quite the relaxing weekend. I pretty much slept from Saturday at 3:30pm until Sunday morning at 10am. But I needed it. I guess.

Chris was busy putting his plow together on the front of his truck, and then testing it out. He really likes doing those kinds of things, figuring out how all the pieces work together and seeing if he can redo it and make it work for him.

So now he has a plow and we don't have to wait for the landlord to yell at his guy for only plowing half of the driveway! Its a little bit my fault though, I leave my car parked almost right at the entrance to the driveway and the plow guy just doesn't do our side. Dumb.

I took some pictures of the house (apartment) to show everyone how things are looking now Chez Chris and Lily. Hopefully I formatted this right and everyone can see what it is I'm talking about.

This is our entrance. When you first walk in there is a bench for you to sit on to remove your footwear if you so chose to do so. There is also a high table to lay your things on. This table gets abused as a catch-all for mail, keys, spare change, etc. Its a pain in the butt to clean each week.

Once you enter there is a short hallway, in which you will find the laundry machines. At the end of the hallway there is a storage closet and on the right is a big doorway into the kitchen.

I didn't take any pictures of the kitchen set up because up until yesterday there was a couch in the kitchen. Just off the kitchen on the right is our bathroom.

On the left of our kitchen is the master bedroom. It is/was decorated to match the print above the bed that Chris used to have in his old place above the couch. I really liked it and I really like our room.

Right in front of the kitchen we have another big doorway that leads us into the living room. In here we have almost all of Chris's furniture, save for my white retro office chair and big blue book case.

Hello, Oscar!

This last room is right off of the living room and it is our guest bedroom/office. I picked the colours(of course). In here we have my "old" bed, a big corner desk, a desk that Chris made and some random other pieces of furniture.

So thats it! Now even if you haven't been to our house maybe it will make you feel like you have. Visitors are welcome any time after 11am on weekends and 6pm on weekdays. Hahaha.

Well its been a few days hasn't it? I've been working some extra shifts, considering I'm only working weekends for the rest of the month :( Chris has been working steady 7:30-4 and is coming home pretty tired. I think he is still adapting to being back at work after a whole two weeks vacation with no side jobs. It was nice while it lasted. *sigh*

The dogs are doing well, no accidents in the house really for the last little bit. They are getting a little annoying though,always wanting to go out when they know they aren't allowed to. Oh well.

This weekend both Chris and I are off. I will be trying to get my sleep schedule back on track so I can go apply for new jobs next week. I know one of the days we will bring Chris's old couch over to his parents house. In case Ryan needs it, or they might decide to throw it out.

Hope everyone had a wonderful week! There are lots of good movies to see so I recommend everyone go this weekend, and bring a date.

Take care.

Hey everyone!

I haven't updated in awhile due to being asleep the whole time.

Chris has been enjoying his last few days off from work, going back tomorrow. So early bed time tonight. We were going to see a movie but there was nothing that we both wanted to see.

We reorganised the living room, so we could put the new couch in and have more space. Now we actually get to use the coffee table, and could most likely fit more people in the living room. The dogs have been making accidents in the living room though, right after Chris cleaned the carpet. Poor guy.

Here are some photos. We're going to tuck in soon. Chris works tomorrow and I am on a job hunt. After sleeping in, that is. And maybe the gym as well. Who knows.

What a long and pointless day. I worked from 11pm last night until 11am this morning. I got home, Chris was cleaning the couch again and just enjoying his morning and I went and watched a movie. I couldn't sleep! All afternoon I laid in bed but sleep escaped me so when Chris went to his parents house for dinner I stayed home and went to sleep (finally!).

I tell you, no one said working overnights was easy, but you'd think of over 24 hours of awakedness your body would kick itself into sleep at the first mention of a warm bed? Nope.

So Chris went to dinner with his parents and his brother and brought back some leftovers which was nice of his mom to send, even though he said she seemed a little miffed that I hadn't gone with him. I really wanted to, but I needed to sleep.

Thats one thing I think a lot of people dont understand. When I finish work, its not different from anyone else who may finish their 9-5 day. I go home, unwind, eat, sometimes shower, and THEN go to bed. And if I sleep all day, until 9 or 10 at night? Well, I got my 8 hours, which is very important. Sorry, this is a bit of a rant, but Chris teases me and wakes me up too early because "its after 4" and I should be awake.

In any case, I am at work again tonight. Chris is at home with our monkeys, probably letting them sleep in the bed because I'm not home to scold him and tell him no. I am going to try to catch some quick zzz's. Good night!

Happy New Year to everyone/anyone who reads this blog! We hope 2010 is better than 2009, unless you had an awesome year then lets hope the streak continues!

We are just enjoying the last few days of down time, even though I am working, its nice to have Chris at home when I get in. Soon to come, pics of our new couch!

Good night!