The following story is all true. I swear if we had nights like these more often I'd just re-home all our dogs and the baby all at the same time!
Friday was a big day in the house, Oscars birthday being really the only event that we "celebrated" (I did get flowers and a nice dinner though, but we stayed home). I got a large ice cream cone from DQ and just split it up between all 4 dogs. We've done this a number of times and no one has had any outward issues so I did it again this past week. Through out the evening I kept finding little puddles of pee all over the house and then once I found a small poo near the cat box. I figured it was an errant cat poo, cleaned it and just left it.
Well yesterday both Chris and I kept finding these little poos all over the house! As the day progressed they were getting more and more liquid. Finally we caught Roxy bent over, pooing on the kitchen floor. She NEVER breaks training so we scolded her a bit and cleaned the mess. Well, didn't she poo on the floor again 20 minutes later. It was then that we saw there was a blood tinge to her poo.
Things escalated through out the day to the point where Roxy was not even pooing anything out, just bending over trying to poo and bleeding in the process. Our vet is closed on weekends so we were just going to keep an eye on her to see what happened.
Our night progressed as usual, Cadence getting her bath and a bedtime bottle and then going to bed. We went to bed shortly after. I couldn't sleep, I had too much on my mind and ended up more or less pulling an all-nighter :( Roxy cried at 11 to go out and try to poo, again no poo came out. Then she came in and went to sleep. At around 2am she started crying again to go out, so Chris got up and took her out. He didn't even have a chance to settle in again before she started crying again so he took her out...again! Still no poo. So we call the emergency vet located in Ottawa and ask what we should do. They said she could dehydrate because of all the stools so we needed to bring her in ASAP!
I bundle her into the car, get to the vet around 2:45 and we're 3rd in line, one vet on hand. We ended up waiting until something like 4am to see the vet, meanwhile Roxy is just snoozing away on the bench, not complaining or looking uncomfortable at all. We see the vet, talk about symptoms and the vet says it sounds like a mild food allergy. We now have a prescription for antibiotics and have to feed Roxy a bland diet of just plain white rice and boiled chicken.
On the way home I smell poo.I thought Roxy was just passing gas so I put her on the passenger seat to lay down. Well I looked over a minute later and see her bent over pooing all over my seat. Great, I've got dog diarrhea and blood all over my seat! I clean it up as best I can with the intention of dropping Roxy at home then heading back out to to coin car wash and cleaning my seat. Then my gas light goes on. I stop at the gas station near our house to get gas and neither the pump nor the machine inside will accept my debit card. I ended up just going home.
At home I saw lights on from the drive way. Cadence had been up since 4am and even after her bottle, she wouldn't go back to sleep. So poor Chris, who has hardly had any sleep himself, is now up with the baby. For the next 20 minutes or so its a mad dash of trying to give Roxy her meds, clean up after her still trying to poo, giving Chris the information he needs about Roxy, him going to clean my car out because I'm just out of patience, trying to go to the washroom and setting up our bed so Cadence can come sleep with us. Finally, at 6am, Cadence is in bed with us sleeping, all the dogs are in their own beds on the floor sleeping and then Chris and I are squeezed together on one side trying to get more sleep.
What a night!
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