Summer is almost over, where has the time gone?! Chris and I have been very busy all summer, both with work and then with the monkey. That's not to say there hasn't been any down time, there for sure has been but during that time we find it nice to either relax or take a nap. Either way, recharge before things get crazy again.

So what have we been up to? What is new and good in the King- Lackey house hold? Well, as I may or may not have already mentioned, we've picked a venue and set a date. I've gone to the printers and have our wedding paper work printed. The save the dates will be going out as soon as I can get to the printers. I feel like our wedding is coming together so fast, all thanks to Pinterest. People post some really neat things and it's giving us tons of ideas. 

Cadence is growing into this funny little snuggle bug. Its been quite the development, since she started to walk she is also showing more and more of her personality. Recently she has started to make a smoochy face when she cries or is 'speaking' to us. She likes to snuggle, give hugs and is asking for kisses too which is just so sweet. I can honestly say even as a baby she was not super cuddly, she wouldn't snuggle in or anything. But now, she will walk up to you and lay her head in your lap, or wrap her arms around your legs and squeeze. Its hard to understand unless you live in my head, but everyday I am surprised by how much more I love my little girl. Its a weird situation in our house, even though Cadence came from my body I feel like Chris bonded with her right away and was nuts about her right away. I don't think it was post partum or anything on my part, but it has taken me a lot longer to bond with Cadence than it took Chris. But that's a whole other ball of wax.

Work wise, things are going great for both Chris and I. Chris had a set back a few months ago when his employee Alan just up and quit. So he hired his friend Brian to help him out, and so far its been going really great. Chris says he is really relieved to work with someone who is quick to learn, and who asks questions as opposed to doing something and messing it up because he doesn't know how to actually do it. I just came back from a work trip with all the kids. It was a lot of work putting together all the food, paper work and trying to motivate 6 teenage girls to do activities, but I also really loved the opportunity to sit and chat with the girls and get to know them. Also, it was nice having them want to get to know me too. Of course, I could only let them know so much, for professional reasons, but I feel like they will understand me more now when I am being firm with them about their poor choices.

Chris is headed back out of town this week for continued work on the cottage which means I will be flying solo with the monkey. So I am off to enjoy some quality TV time with him. Enjoy these pics! :)

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