King-Lackey Christmas 2011

Phew! The end of the Christmas holiday season is finally upon us. This year has been more hectic than most because everyone wants to see the baby! Its so odd to say baby, she's so big and near on crawling.

We've been to 5 parties so far this holiday season. Here is a break down of each party.

Party #1:
Chris and I hosted a dinner party at our house on the 11th. It was a more relaxed get together with Nancy and her kids coming over for a sit down dinner and gifts. Nancy was very generous with her gift giving, and they seemed to enjoy the gifts that we were giving as well. All in all it was a very nice night.

Party #2:
We went over to the Smaridge-Green family gathering on the 17th. This was a more informal get together with Jane's side of the family. I always enjoy seeing these people, they are so loud and boisterous its such a good time. We had good food, good company and good conversation. The highlight of the night for me was these rosemary shortbread cookies someone had set out. No one else was eating them so I ate them all. Mmmm, savoury cookies.

Party #3:
On the 18th we headed to Brockville to spend time with the Lackey family. This was the first time a lot of Bob's family had met the baby so for the bigger part of the night I didn't see Cadence at all. There was some difficulty getting her to take a nap, she was fighting sleep so hard! And then of course cranky because she was so tired. There were so many kids at this party, both older and younger, it was like being at my family party almost. We both really enjoyed ourselves and enjoyed spending time chatting with various people. The small set back here is that there are so many people that Chris wasn't able to chat with as many people as he had hoped.

Party #4:
In my family, we celebrate la reveillon which falls on the evening of the 24th. My whole family gets together in my memere's teeny tiny living room and we chat, eat snacks (sometimes) and eventually open presents. Its nice to catch up with some people I don't get to see as often. It was the first time a lot of my family have had the chance to meet Cadence as well, although I do post a few pictures of her online its just not the same. I really enjoyed seeing my memere and getting lots of pictures of her with the baby. And all the yummy food (mine especially :P)!

Party #5:
This was a split party, with the morning taking place at our home and then going over early afternoon to Bob and Jane's to open gifts and have lunch. Cadence got spoiled by both Chris and I, and his parents. We are drowning in toys and books! I am so thankful though, these are things Cadence will grow to use and will help in her development. It was a nice quiet day, for which I am very thankful.

Now we are all home, Chris has taken some vacation time and we are just relaxing, enjoying our presents and spending time with the monkey.

Last but not least of all though: the surprise present Chris got for me.

So if you hadn't heard the news yet, we are engaged! FINALLY haha. But thats another tale for another time. Happy holidays everyone!

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