Happy May long weekend! Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend and a productive one at that!

Chris is currently at his family cottage redoing the roof, it is a big family effort with most of his whole family out there helping out so hopefully he finishes that and can come home tomorrow. Work wise we are both kicking it up a notch with lots of working, and the two dogs left behind are sad sad babies I tell you that. My mom stayed over last night in order to snuggle and spend time with the babies. Thanks Mom!

I've worked all weekend, last night, tonight and then a double tomorrow. I've been all over the city and its killing me. I am starting to hate driving! Then tomorrow night after work I'm headed to Montreal to spend some time with my mom and maybe my brother depending if my slave driver dad lets him have time off. We'll see!

I went out and spent a fortune on safe sun products like sunscreen, face cream with sunblock and lidocane burn cream lol. Last weekend Chris and I had a little...boating misfortune and I had quite the burn so now I will never be without sunscreen again. Heck no to cancer I say!

Anyways, time to shower and then head off to work. Have a happy safe weekend!

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