Ah what a night. I'm so glad the holidays are condensed into two or three days max of travelling and parties. I dont think I could keep up with this everyday.

We went over to my mom's friends house for a holiday party and had a pretty good time. We left the dogs at home, and when we came back there were no messes to clean up. Its a Christmas miracle!

Tomorrow we are leaving bright and early to go to my aunts house, and then in the evening we are going to my Memere's house where Chris will meet my whole family (on my dad's side) for the first time! Exciting! I'm sure he is nervous but they will love him because I do and thats all that matters in the end.

Chris is off until the 4th of January, and I know he will go stir crazy so hopefully he can find a side job to do to get him over the hump.

Hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday!

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