Chris's parents stopped in today for an impromptu visit. I had just woken up so I had to scramble to get organised. We showed Chris's dad how to play some Wii games, he seemed to enjoy it so thats good. I hope he buys one, they are so much fun!

Now I'm just finishing up some chores. Dusting, hemming curtains and laundry. Tomorrow will be organizing some messy parts of the house, like the office and the storage closet. Maybe even the cars. There is always lots to do so why not take advantage of the time we have.

I've been spending the days playing Guitar Hero, but since I beat that and the Coraline game Chris bought me for Christmas I've been trying to figure out what else to do. Chris has been running errands, like getting brackets for our curtain rod. In the evenings we are training the dogs to sit, lie and roll over. So far Oscar can sit. Paul is very advanced and doing very well.

Enjoy the photos!

Paul can now sit, roll over and lie down all by himself! I am currently working on shake hands as well.

We missed dinner with Chris's parents tonight because a friend of mine is in from out of town. She came and brought some friends and it was nice. Now Chris is playing video games and I am going to bake some cookies. Well, maybe.

Hope everyone had a great day!

Its been a few days so I thought I'd update the page. Chris and I are doing well. I worked last night but I wont work again until New Years Eve, whereas Chris wont work again until January 4th. Lucky guy!

The boys are doing really well with house training. So far we've been keeping them in the bathroom when we are gone, they no longer sleep in the bed with us, and we are being more independent from them. Seems to be working so if we keep it up hopefully they will be able to stay by themselves more.

So for now we are enjoying a lazy breakfast, and then a lazy few days off together. Should be fun!

Hope you are having a wonderful post Christmas weekend!

Ah what a night. I'm so glad the holidays are condensed into two or three days max of travelling and parties. I dont think I could keep up with this everyday.

We went over to my mom's friends house for a holiday party and had a pretty good time. We left the dogs at home, and when we came back there were no messes to clean up. Its a Christmas miracle!

Tomorrow we are leaving bright and early to go to my aunts house, and then in the evening we are going to my Memere's house where Chris will meet my whole family (on my dad's side) for the first time! Exciting! I'm sure he is nervous but they will love him because I do and thats all that matters in the end.

Chris is off until the 4th of January, and I know he will go stir crazy so hopefully he can find a side job to do to get him over the hump.

Hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday!

Mark the date on your calendar. I was up and out of the house way before Chris today. I had to be at work in Orleans for like 7am and its an hours trip.

We are working hard at retraining the dogs to be more independant. Its difficult because we have spoiled them so far and they have high anxiety as a result. They pee and poo in the house all the time and we are tired of it. But they are so cute and they only want love. We put them in the bathroom with the gate up and there were no accidents today. So far so good!

Here is some fun Christmas photos of Chris and I. Happy holiday!

Its very cold outside today, -12 according to the weather channel. Plus wind chill. It works fine for me because I am home today, but poor Chris is out working in the freezing cold. Feel bad for him!

We had a late night last night after being out with his Mom's family. We went over to his grandmothers house and then out to Theo's for dinner. It was nice, and as always his family was very generous in their gift giving. Then I went to work while Chris went to sleep.

Tonight we are going to take my hub caps off and pressure wash the ice out of my wheel wells. Should be a frozen good time. Ah well.

Thats all for right now. Hope everyone is well.

Today is a lazy day. Chris did some errands this morning, going to Princess Auto and to home hardware for some last minute Christmas shopping. Meanwhile I woke up late and have just been listing around the house. I have no energy, but I have lots to do so hopefully a coffee wakes me up!

I have some gift wrapping to do, and then the gifts go under our tree. Some cleaning. Laundry. Then out tonight for some casino fun with my mom. Its her birthday tomorrow, she will be 46!

So for now I leave you with some photos of the family. Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!