There is so much going on at the house right now, things are really hectic. Cadence is growing so fast, she's holding her head up for longer periods of time and is pushing herself up when she's face down on the mat. She's alert for longer periods of time, but mostly just during the day not so much at night which is awesome. She sleeps almost all the way through the night with one feeding midway through the night. Granted, she is up pretty early in the morning but thats ok by me, Chris is up so he takes care of it.

We've been squeezing in some quality family time recently as well. Last Friday I took Cadence over to Chris's grandmothers house for lunch. His aunt Donna was there too which was nice, having a multi-generational lunch get together.Then we went to the cottage for Father's Day. Chris's parents were there, we ended up spending the night as well. Cadence did really well, she wasn't too fussy and she slept mostly through the night again. We are very lucky to have such a well behaved little girl.

On Monday we had an appointment with our family doctor. Cadence is healthy overall with some small concerns that we're trying to stay positive about and see how things work out.

This past week was super crazy with Cadence hitting a growth spurt. She still slept through the night but her day time hours were spent driving Chris and I crazy. Lots of crying, seemingly non-stop feedings and difficulty settling. We were both super stressed out, and I was feeling especially captive due to being stuck in the house with a crying baby but she seems to be over it now.

We went out for dinner last night to celebrate Chris's birthday. It was nice, I wish though that we had made reservations because we were stuck sitting next to a really cranky old couple and an idiot of a man. Seriously annoying.

Anyways lots going on and I have to get back to business. More later! :) Oh and no pics because I can't find the camera :(

Better late than never!

Things have been super hectic here at the house recently, what with the baby and Chris being back at work. But it was someone very important's birthday this past weekend and I wanted to wish him a happy birthday.

Happy birthday Bob! Glad we could visit and we look forward to seeing you again this upcoming weekend for Father's Day :)

We learned a very valuable lesson this weekend. Well, two actually. Lesson #1: travelling with a baby is really, really hard and takes twice as long as it should. Lesson #2: there is no way to tell when a baby is done pooping and you should leave the diaper on for awhile.

We spent a lot of this past weekend in the car and not nearly enough time asleep. Cadence had been fussing on and off during the drive up and then right before bed. She did well being passed around to my Memere and her uncle Timmy. When she met my dad she threw up all over him. We ended up leaving early because the Tour de L'ile was on Sunday and would impede us leaving when we wanted to. Getting home at 11:30 at night was not ideal but Cadence slept well so it all worked out.

She is doing so great, I'm amazed every day at her skill development. I expect her to start talking any day now, even though I know thats not possible. She's working so hard at holding her head up, and she can do it for longer periods of time every day. Her eyes are open all the time, and we are still not sure just what colour they are. I'm pretty sure they are light brown/dark green. She is also being more vocal which I find funny but Chris gets frustrated.

Things with Chris and I are going pretty ok. I've got some health stuff I'm trying not to stress or think too much about but hopefully things will work themselves out. Chris is back to work today which is great, I will certainly miss the extra hands though!

Time to feed the monkey and then try to get more sleep. There's less and less of that going around these days, so I take it when I can get it.

Big city calling!

We're on our way to Montreal for the weekend to visit my family and some friends. Should be a fun time, if not a bit stressful. I was hoping to have left already but here we are, behind schedule as per usual.

Cadence has been running us ragged the last 24 hours, needing almost constant feeding. Now before anyone makes the comment of "Oh thats a baby for you!", its not our baby. She doesn't do this and its driving us both crazy. On a lighter note, we took her swimming yesterday and while she didn't like the temperature of the water, she didn't fuss or cry at all and had the floating thing down pat. Great job baby!

Chris has been home the last couple of weeks, waiting for someone to finish their part of a job before he can go in and continue his stuff. I think he is going back to work on Monday, it will be lonely without the extra hands but maybe then I can get Cadence back on some schedule.

I've been doing good also. Just trying to get over this insanely itchy pregnancy rash. Its fading slowly but not slowly enough.

Anyways, time to shove off! See you all soon!