Such a rarity, two posts within a month of each other! Woke up at 4am and haven't been able to get comfy again so here we are! I promised some people I'd update the blog with some pics of the nursery.

So some big news came yesterday. We had our anatomy scan, which is an ultrasound where they measure the baby and my cervix and check where my placenta lies. From what I understand, the baby is measuring pretty average, no concerns. The coolest thing was seeing the spine and the ribs, they were moving around cause the baby was moving and it was really clear what we were looking at. I asked the tech before hand if she was able to if she could check the gender and tell us. Well, it was like every Christmas of my entire life (past/present/future) when she said it looked like a girl! I cried a little, Chris looked somewhat emotional and that was that. The tech did say that there is always the chance that it could be a boy so we are preparing a back up boys name and already have some pretty cute gender neutral onesies so I think we will be ready for anything. Now comes the exciting part of picking a name!

I am up at the ungodly hour of 4am due to all the kicking going on in my abdomen. I swear it feels like there are 2 or more babies in there with the way she moves around all the time. Like, pummeling me from the inside! I used to be so excited to finally feel her move, and now that she does it all the time its like geez kid, could you take a break for a minute?

As a celebration, Chris and I went to "dinner and a movie" lol more like Wendy's and cheap night Tuesday movie. It was nice though, I enjoyed the food (mmmm, frosty) and the movie was alright. Chris had a good time too, and it was nice to spend time together. I feel like every chance we get we should be doing something like this, just taking a break from being at home with the dogs because soon we won't have this many chances.

Speaking of dogs, they are all being so good lately! After the initial night or two of them begging to be in the bed with us, now they no longer cry they just get into beds. I figured out Paul was getting cold so I tuck him in at night and in the morning he is still in there. I sometimes even find him tucked in after Chris goes to work, he pulls his blankets on himself! Its a big relief and doesn't make my emotions go nuts to hear them cry all night cause the whine sounds like "mama, why did you leave me on the cold floor" plus sad puppy dog eyes? Yeah. Its hard to say no to that.

In terms of the nursery, things are coming along awesome-ly, if that is even a word. We have most of the furniture in there, and I've had the chance to paint the new stuff we added recently. Chris brought a book case home that he made many years ago, and I painted it. Then I painted the glider I bought, and bought some new material to cover it because I'm a bit of a germaphobe plus the previous owners had got it quite dirty, the seat cushion is really gross. So now we have some nice soothing yellow with owls printed on it all cut out and ready to go! I don't think I have pics of the fabric but I love it. Chris and his dad are going to prime and paint the walls, and then hopefully sometime in the next few weeks we will have the crib to put in there and it will all be more or less "move in ready" for our lil girl.

I made a joke to Chris the other night about how the baby sure is moving up in terms of space and decor and he asked me to elaborate. Well, my uterus is not very big, even with it growing etc with the baby in there its still relatively small. To go from my small uterus to a big room all by herself almost overnight, it would be like me falling asleep in our bed (I wish) and waking up in a mansion. If only it worked that way!

Anyways, I am finally starting to feel sleepy again so here are some pics. Enjoy!

Hey everyone! Hope all is well where ever you may be. Things in the King-Lackey home are getting more and more chaotic everyday so bear with me!

Chris was off for about 3 weeks. Christmas slump I guess, no one wanted a handsome handyman around the house during the holidays. Chris is back to work now, doing a basement reno with our neighbour, who is a pretty nice guy and thinks Chris does some quality work so its win-win! Apparently once they are done this one Chris has another one set up that should steady the finances for awhile. I have to admit I was stressed, blame hormones and paranoia I guess.

I have been busting my own butt at work. We had a staff meeting recently where my supervisor basically blasted the overnights for not cleaning at all. I was very offended as I do my job and I thought I was doing it well but turns out some people have been complaining. Anyways, I have been making a supreme effort to go above and beyond, can't afford to be asked to take early maternity so early in the game!

Other than work being a pain in the butt, everything seems to be going very smoothly at our house. Chris and I are getting along really well, he has been so supportive and caring through out this whole process. I feel like we have created a little safe bubble for ourselves, and sometimes when I'm at work or out shopping or whatever I crave the feeling of being in the safety of our home with Chris. Sounds silly because we spend so much time together, I don't know how else to explain it though.

The baby is doing well also. He/she is growing all the time. I've been feeling kicks and lots of movement the last couple of months which is a weird and somewhat creepy feeling. Apparently I have seen nothing yet as the closer we get to the due date the more intense the movements will get. I'm looking forward to being able to share the kicks with Chris. So far he hasn't felt anything. The baby's room is coming along, we've got most of the big pieces in there now just waiting to paint before we get the crib in. We picked out a nice green colour, Chris did a test spot earlier this week and its really, really bright! But I think with the other furniture and accessories we've got in there it will look really nice. We've also been slowly picking up stuff like clothes and accessories slowly but surely. I figure this way we won't have too much last minute dashing around to do when the baby is finally here.

Happy New Year family and friends!

Chris and I had a wonderful Christmas visiting my family in Montreal and spending time with his family out in Almonte. It was nice to see everyone and the food was really good. Other than in Montreal, because I didn't get to taste any :(

So as most everyone knows at this point, Chris and I are expecting a baby. It (he/she) is due June 3rd. We will find out sometime this month if it is a he or she, and we are very excited.

We have set up the baby's room as best we can while we are getting rid of the stuff that was in the guest room before. It's a slow process but we still have about 4 months before things need to be ready to go.

We're headed to Montreal this weekend for my dad's 60th birthday. What an old man! Should be nice to spend some real time with my family plus I will get to see some of my friends in town and maybe do a little shopping. All in all a pretty good weekend!

Anywho, got to go fold laundry and get ready for work. Hope everyone had a safe and happy holidays!