Hey ye'all! Welcome back to the blog!

I haven't updated in awhile because things again are hectic. You'd think with all my spare time (haha) that I'd have maybe like 10 mins to shoot out a quick hey how ya doin' but time flies when there is not a lot going around!

Things at my job are going well, I've worked almost 200 hours this month so my paycheck next month should be pretty awesome. But, I owe on my tax returns so bye bye sweet new tattoo, trip to Florida or whatever else I wanted to buy with that money. I'm going to be broke once more as soon as the check clears. Does anyone else have this problem?

Chris bought a boat the other day. It was quite the ordeal, let me tell you! Initially we went out to the Kingston area to look into a boat that was listed online and it was perhaps the scariest thing I had ever seen in my life. There were probably about 10 boats and 6 old rusty cars just placed around this giant property that didn't have a real driveway. When we pulled up to the house there were 2 adults and 2 kids outside. During the course of our 20 minute stay about 10 adults in total came out of the house. It was the craziest thing I'd ever experience.

Then we drove out just past Rockland and Chris seemed to like the boat he saw there so we came home with the Red Rocket (thats the boats name). I personally am very excited to take this baby up to the cottage, put the little life jackets on the dogs and take this neat water tube out that Bob (Chris's dad) managed to snag. We are all set for a super fun summer of awesomeness! Chris went today and registered the boat, now all we have to do is bring it to the water.

We were supposed to go to the cottage this weekend, Chris to fix the roof and me to get in the way but alas that was cancelled due to stupid rain. I'm still pushing so that maybe Chris can get in and fix the boat launch, and then the dogs and I can go swimming! I'm excited to see how Roxy handles herself in the water. She is sitting next to me right now, cuddling like Paul would. Her attitude and behaviour is always changing, you never really know quite where you stand with her and I think its funny and I find her adorable.

As always, here are some pics. Enjoy this manic weather if you can.

It has been awhile since my last update as things here at the house are pretty hectic. I've been at work everyday this week and I am just too tired when I get home to do much of anything.

We had Chris's parents over for dinner last weekend. It was nice to see them, I haven't seen much of them lately. Plus they brought Chris's brother Ryan, so he got to meet Roxaboodles lol. She seemed to really like him, and he seemed to like her. Hmmm...I see a match here! Kidding!

Chris had a quiet week this week, doing quotes and looking at work to be done around the house. It was nice to have him home at first but that got old fast. Good thing I was working all week! Haha

The dogs are doing really well. As usual, Paul and Roxy are cuddling on the couch right now. They seem to be getting on fairly well. The spot treatment we tried on Roxy didn't take so we've switched her food to a hypoallergenic vegetarian food. She does not seem too keen on it, and has been trying to sneak some of the other dogs food but we are keeping a close eye on her. We will win against the itch!

I went shopping today and bought the dogs some fun hygiene stuff. I got them finger toothbrushes so I can clean their teeth. Then I got some dry shampoo that makes them smell like sweet blueberries. I also got some eye and ear wipes, and a blue snuggie for Paul! He seems to really like it.

I started at a gym a few weeks ago and have pretty much gone every night since I joined. I really enjoy it and I'm finding the workouts to be easier with each passing day. Yay!

Thats all for now, hopefully next weekend Chris and I will be at his family cottage to open it and then take measurements of the roof and get ready to redo it. Plus it might be a nice weekend so its excellent timing.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!

Hey everyone!

It has been awhile, I know I know. You all have been sitting by your pc's longing for me to update this blog! Haha yeah right. Anyways, initially I was busy with work, and then I had a personal tragedy which left me uninterested in doing much, let alone writing anything.

So we are now in April, seems like we just had summer not that long ago. We were really lucky to have such a short and mild winter. And the melting period was pretty quick melt as well. Which is good, considering I now have two really hairy dogs who get dirty very quickly.

Chris is doing well with his business, he is keeping busy and seems happy with the work that he is doing so thats good. Hopefully things pick up this summer, what with all the roofs that need to get fixed. I might be helping him with some of the smaller jobs. Go me!

Work is comme si comme sa for me. My one job has really come through and is scheduling me fairly regularly whereas my other job hasn't scheduled me since February. Sucky. I'm hitting the streets hard looking for a second job. You know, money makes the world go round!

Our new dog, Roxy, is working out really well! She is lovely, cuddly and cute. Chris loves her too, whether he wants to admit it or not. She doesn't love me too much though, which makes me sad. She has also started limping which makes me nervous, and meants another vet visit. Which is more money. Lame.

Anyways, thats all I wanted to say. Here are some pics of a cake I made recently as well as a picture of me and my kids. Minus Diana of course, she doesn't go outside.