Ah, Roxy, Rawkzilla, Roxydoodles. She feels like she has been a part of my family this whole time. She has integrated herself really well into the family, sleeping on the bed, playing with the boys, going out to do her business. She is adorable and working out really well! I booked a vet visit and a trip to the groomers next week. Go me!

In other news she had a bath today and it was really cute. Chris helped me and took some pictures post-soak. I bought this hose attachment for the tub but dammit if it doesn't work. I am doomed to wash my dogs with a giant cup. Ugh.

Here are some lovely pictures of the kids, enjoy your weekend everyone!

I have a big, big announcement! Chris and I are expanding our family! We're excited to welcome to the family our newest dog, Roxanne (or Roxy for short). She is a 10 month old blond pekingese who weighs in at the same weight as Oscar!

Chris showed me an ad on usedottawa.com for her last night, I called this afternoon and it was love at first sight. It will be exciting and wonderful to be able to dress a dog in girls clothes and the dog actually be a girl. I'm sure Oscar is relieved about that!

Here are some photos, I'm sure you'll agree she is gorgeous.

I received some news over facebook (of all places) that my godmother (and Aunt) Diana has a heart emergency and is going in for an operation next month. If you read this please send your positive thoughts to her and her family. On the plus side her son Eric's wife is having a baby this October! Baby number 6! Amazing!

Things on our end are looking middle of the road. Work is steady for both of us. The dogs are doing well. We took a walk this afternoon as it was so warm, but it turned out to be very messy out and Oscar needed a bath when we got home. Gross.

Next week is March break, if you have kids make sure to get out and enjoy yourself!

Hey everyone!

If you can see this that means I arrived home safely from my trip. I took my cousin/niece Chelsey to Niagara Falls for a few days while she was on march break. She was a bit of a brat and drove me crazy for most of the trip but she enjoyed herself as did I so we are better people for the trip.

We caught up with my friend Danielle and her son and went hiking and out for dinner at a neat buffet with really excellent food. It was a great time and I look forward to seeing Danielle in a few days!

I didn't bring back any souvenirs per se, but I did pick up some fruity pebbles and chocolate cheerios. Mmmmm. Oh and ofcourse a huge case of Yoohoo. I think that might be my next tattoo haha (just kidding).

On our way home I stopped in at Arby's and had a melt. It was amazing. But now I'm exhausted and need a nap. Hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful weather!