Hey, guess who hasn't updated this thing in quite some time? Yep, that would be me! Sorry to anyone who reads this.

Things are going pretty good. Chris and I have been busy working these last two weeks, and watching our Canadian athletes kick some international tail at the Olympics. Go Canada Go! Today especially has been a big day work wise, it was Chris's last day with the company hes been working with and he is striking out on his own! So if you speak to him wish him luck and suggest him to your friends haha.

Paul was having a great deal of allergies last week. We ended up taking him to an emergency vet visit (which was pretty expensive) because his head was so swollen his eyes were being swelled shut. The vet gave him a shot of benadryl and gave his a paper with different meds and the dosage we could give next time it happens. Which it did, the next day! Except this time was all over his trunk. The vet also said we had to put Paul on a diet because he was too heavy. Which we already knew.

I picked up a new phone this week, the iPhone 3G. I love it, it manages my life way better than I ever have haha. Chris wants one now so if anyone knows where he can get one at a good price call him!

Anyways, time to get ready for work. Here are some pics, as per the usual. Happy weekend readers!

Happy birthday Ryan! We hope you had a fun, safe and spectacular weekend. Now back to the grind eh? Ah well.

I worked all weekend, and then went to a samba lesson today with a friend. It was interesting but just reinforced my belief that I lack rhythm. Ah, my dreams of dancing on stage have been crushed.

Chris worked today on a bathroom and then came home and worked on his trailer. Its starting to look less commercial and more business. Which I think is the goal.

Paul has weird bumps on his head and neither Chris nor I can figure out what caused it. His tummy is red as well. It makes me a little nervous, I think he is having a food allergy. We're keeping an eye on it to see if it gets better and if not its off to the vets! Poor dog looks like a triceratop dinosaur :(

Hopefully everyone had an awesome weekend and the trend continues into the work week! Ciao for now.

Hey Bob, hell froze over.


Wow it sure has been a long time since this thing was updated! Chris's parents came back from Dominican apparently looking pretty tan and bearing gifts! Pretty earrings for me, and Jack Daniels for Chris. So far he has not made a dent in the bottle but there is hope!

Things are calming down a bit, I haven't been working as much whereas Chris has been working non stop. It was Valentine's day recently, we had a very relaxed evening, we ordered pizza and watched TV! I was pooped from having worked all weekend and having to go back to work that night.

Our dogs are doing really well. We even had a friends dog over, a little chihuahua named Calvin. He was very cute, cuddly and not house broken. Chris enjoyed having him. My friend might be looking to find him a new forever home, and I'm hoping to get the dog over to my moms. She could use a little puppy love.

I got an email from the school board today, and they are picking up my application again after a little misunderstanding in trying to get a hold of my references. Thats good news people! And Chris might soon have an opportunity to focus on his personal business, more good news!

Anyways, here are some photos of the boys and the present Chris got me for Valentine's Day. What a sweet boyfriend.

Exciting times! Chris's parents are coming home late tonight from being out of the country for a week. We are driving their car to the air port for them, just trying to figure out how to work around the parking issue. I wanted to go to the gym tonight but looks like I wont have time. Might still go, we'll see.

The dogs are doing really well other than Paul who had a smelly accident on the couch, and the cleaner doesn't seem to be doing much to get rid of the smell. Anyone who has had a smelly dog knows what we are going through right now lol.

Going to get passport stuff organised for Chris so he can get his passport in time for our trip! Exciting stuff right?

Anyways, here are some pics of the boys. Enjoy!
Also, for the sake of interest, here are some fun youtube video's of our boys.

The times, they are a changing. True story. So much going on with the families. Chris's parents are in the Dominican right now, probably having an awesome time. Poor Bob's liver getting pickled haha. His nana is moving soon, one of his aunt and uncles just bought a home in Florida so the whole family is taking a trip down there, whereas my sister just sold her house and is looking for a new place (good luck Lori!) My mom is going to be going to Toronto for a week soon, and then to Florida (unrelated to Chris's family stuff) sometime in the fall and hopefully taking Chris and I with her (hint hint). Cuba is coming along nicely for Chris and I, things are about 75% set to go, and I'm excited but it won't hit home until I'm at the airport. Phewf! Lots of stuff going on right?

Chris worked all weekend long and will most likely work all this weekend. He found mold in the home he was working at so the work load is just piling up! I've clocked in just over 215 hours for last month so I'm enjoying some well deserved down time before the tornado hits again. Job hunting and running errands for the house (maybe even shopping for Cuba gear lol).

The boys are doing really well too, we took them to the groomers on Saturday to get their nails trimmed and both boys hated it. Paul went first and wouldn't stop yelping while the nice lady was carefully cutting his nails. While he was waiting his turn, Oscar took a big poop in front of the desk (I was so embarassed). Then when it was Oscar's turn I had to hold him because he is just so wiggly! While Paul was waiting he also took a big poop under the front desk! So naughty but you could tell they were both really nervous and had high anxiety.

Thats it for now, time to tuck in. Tomorrow is a busy, busy day!